Why Your Business Should Stick To A Regular Forklift Service

Forklifts are a vital piece of equipment for many businesses that operate in warehouses or handle materials. You understand that your equipment is an important part of your investment. To get a better return on this investment, you need to keep it in good shape. The only way to do that is to schedule a forklift service regularly.

Forklift service can help you prevent expensive repair issues. It is recommended that forklifts be serviced every 200 hours of use. Regular checks can alert you to any problem. Book a forklift service with your local forklift repair service in Irving, TX. It’s the best way to make sure your forklifts work properly.


Maintaining various parts and components of forklifts and handling multi-vendor maintenance agreements is a major pain for most business owners or maintenance or operation managers. It is why Ace Equipment is here to provide the best forklift repair services in Irving, TX, and any nearby locations. They follow a completely organized and maintained digitized procedure.

Leading forklift service provider in Irving, TX, very well knows that forklift repair services are a priority for businesses. They know forklift failure at an important moment can cause havoc in the distribution chain. It will result in frustration and worse fines.

Forklifts need a daily check for maintenance, usually by shift. This should be documented according to OSHA regulations. A pre-operation checklist is essential and helps to ensure that all safety measures are followed and respected.



Preventive forklift service is much cheaper than repairing a forklift. It costs about four times less. But a service schedule is not only about saving money. Here are some other important reasons to maintain your forklift regularly.

Preserving Your Investment

Forklifts are expensive. You can protect this investment by doing forklift service and daily checks. This will save you money and also improve employee safety and productivity.

Employee Safety

A service schedule along with proper training and operating procedures is very important.

OSHA Fines

Without documented forklift service, OSHA fines are higher. OSHA checks the service record of your equipment to make sure you comply with OSHA regulations. Regular forklift maintenance also ensures employee safety in operation. If you don't have the proper documentation or it is not in order, OSHA will penalize you.

Reducing Downtime

By doing regular forklift service in TX, you can avoid unexpected breakdowns and downtime. This will increase productivity and extend the life of your equipment.

Increased Resale Value

When it is time to sell, you can show the documentation that the forklift was well-maintained and cared for. Regular forklift service lets you fetch a good amount if you wish to sell it in the market.



Your forklift goes a long way and saves time & money with proper forklift service and maintenance. The forklift service offered by Ace Equipment resolves a lot of these problems. They have the best service engineers in the industry who excel in the development and manufacturing of forklifts. They are equipped to accommodate any operation requiring a considerable amount of room and time for repair. They troubleshoot the issues with your service requests. Contact Ace Equipment today to learn more. 


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